End of Season Sale Now On!

pure sofa

Once a month we are bringing you a favourite piece from the McKenzie & Willis collection from our biggest fans… our staff! Keep tuned to see the most treasured and valued pieces from those in the know.

Name:  Cameron Gray
Store: Christchurch
Position:  Furniture Consultant
Item: Tribu Pure range

Why I love this item:

Your furniture should reflect your way of life and for me the Tribu Pure Sofa does just that. I’m a minimalist at heart so I love the simplicity and uncomplicated nature of the Tribu Pure sofa.

Made for lounging, the Tribu Pure is a modular sofa that you can mix and match into the lounge setting of your liking. It is perfect for those summer evenings spent outside relaxing with family and friends in the last of the evening light.

The Tribu Pure range is my favourite because it is carefully engineered and produced to a high standard. Tribu uses AAA teak so it evolves and matures with age like a good leather couch, but better.

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