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Luxaflex EVO External Screens

Item code: 227177 Brand:

With hundreds of window covering options and a brand that is synonymous with innovation, quality and style, the Luxaflex range has something for every type of home interior.

EVO all-weather screens can maximise the uses and increase the comfort level of any room that connects with the outdoors, they can also be used to create an outdoor room on a deck or in the garden by controlling the impact of heat, wind, rain and insects. Screens can be operated manually or with automation.

With Luxaflex EVO External Screens you can leave doors and windows open in humid rainy weather because screens are weather-resistant and screens can be deployed to prevent insects from entering the room, making it unnecessary to close doors and windows on hot summer evenings.

Our Interior Designers have put together some tips and techniques for the general, day-to-day care of your new McKenzie & Willis fabric, wallpaper or window furnishings as a quick reference for when life happens…

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