At McKenzie & Willis we have long been passionate supporters of NZ brands and NZ Made products. Which is why we are bringing you our “Meet the NZ Designers & Makers’’ blog series! In this series we delve into the stories of some of our much-loved NZ brands so you can get to know the people behind these incredible companies.
This week we caught up with David Shaw himself who filled us in on the story of the David Shaw brand.

Tell us a bit about the story behind David Shaw. How was it started?
After completing an apprenticeship in upholstery, I started my own upholstery business as a one-man band operating out of my garage.
After 18 months, the opportunity and necessity to grow my team and facilities arose and so we moved the business into a factory.

How do David Shaw designs begin their life? Can you elaborate on the creative process?
I have always had a passion for quality pieces that feature design with distinction. Designs that are classic, timeless, and use natural materials. Our aim at David Shaw is to create pieces that allow you to have tomorrow’s antiques today.
Our understanding of the market demands and commitment to our niche usually initiates the design process. I will draft a few key features and let the concept evolve from there with comfort at the top of the criteria.

Where do the creative team find inspiration?
In recent years, our team has also been drawing inspiration from our visits to Europe for trade shows. Avoiding the pitfalls of fashion trends, the creative and product design team of David Shaw are consciously drawing inspirations from a plethora of sources.

What techniques and materials are used?
The factory utilises hardwood timber for framing, very durable German webbing, and incorporates solid timbers and certain alloys like brass, copper, bronze and iron.
Our upholstery are still predominantly handmade and the techniques are traditional and non-mechanised. While upholstery is far from being a dying trade, there are not many craftsmen with this skill. This is why we keep our apprenticeship programs open whenever possible so we can continue on an artisanal trade that creates gratification, comfort and pleasure for effortless living for sometimes a lifetime.

Do you have a favourite piece?
My favourite design at the moment is the Link chair – a very timeless look but it has an edge featuring the metal legs as well being very comfortable. There are also a handful that come a very close second!

What emerging styles/trends in furniture should we be on the lookout for?
Aside from incorporating natural substances like metal, stone/marble and timber finished with lacquers and resins, we are also noticing lots of curves and shapes that are somehow becoming synonymous with relaxation and comfort.
Everyone likes to have something different, however, there is no denying that there is a growing desire for handmade quality.
That concludes our interview with David from David Shaw. Did you know, that right now and until the 19th of August 2018 we’ve taken 20% off selected NZ made furniture brands and selected NZ brand upholstery fabrics + some incredible deals on NZ made beds!
We are also hosting some of the top designers from our NZ Made brands in the McKenzie & Willis Christchurch showroom during the NZ Made Expo. Come in store for your personal consultation between 12 and 4pm on the weekends of the 11th/12th and 18th/19th of August 2018.
Click here to find out more and to see a full schedule.